
Andy Ostroy; WTF

Here is my lengthy comment to Andy Ostroy's post over at HuffPo.

Joe Scarborough Show Yet Again Why He Could Be President One Day

I mean, honestly. Why is it that the Right continues on it's crash & burn strategy of elevating the obviously unqualified? Is it the star power? Does Scarborough even have star power? I don't get it.

Anyway, here's my comment, which had to be shortened of it's penetrating insight and wit to fit HuffPo's gestapo-like requirement of only 250 words.

First, you must have missed the grenade he threw at President Obama. That is, that Obama "failed" to bring the Olympics to Chicago. He went there to cheerlead the idea. He wasn't doing any of the heavy lifting or work to bring the Olympics to Chicago, so I hardly think that he "failed" to do anything. In fact, nobody failed. The committee selected Rio over Madrid and Tokyo, not just Chicago. Did the King of Spain fail to bring the Olympics to Madrid? Did the King of Japan? No, 'cause there's no King of Japan, but if there were, no one would say he failed.

Secondly, Scarborough would need the support of the Republican leadership- you know, Beck, Limbaugh and Steele- and I don't see any of them taking any time to praise Scarborough or his politics. In fact, I can see them working against him with their usual gusto, or in the case of Steele, working against him with his inept support of him.

Thirdly, every tantrum, every incompetent utterance, every misguided comment on a subject he knows nothing about, every eye-roll, every snotty remark, all of it, are preserved for all eternity on video and would play endlessly in any campaign. He only comes off as an amiable Conservative fella that enjoys a meaningful discussion when he happens to write that about himself and there are hours and hours of video that show he's actually not that amiable a Conservative fella that enjoys a meaningful discussion. There's no way Scarborough could tolerate that sort of intense scrutiny of his "record" on issues, at least not for very long. He's far too thin skinned and petulant. He'd last one month, then withdraw because "the discourse" has become so vitriolic.

Fourth, any schmuck can wax eloquent about how bad the discourse has become. It doesn't mean you get to be president, or are qualified, or that you're Party needs you, it just means you get to wax eloquent about how bad the discourse has become. There are a gajillion blogs. Lots of them say meaningful things and are probably written by people that know a whole hell of a lot more than Joe Scarborough, but I couldn't see any of them as president of anything besides their own blog.

No, I don't think he's angling for anything other than some attention, perhaps a segment or two about how awful the some of the comments were in his post, or whatever, in order to illustrate his own point about the discourse being so very very awful. Mika will console him, his panel will agree with him, or two of them will and the third will risk his wrath by saying something out of line. In the end, he'll get the attention he wants.

Anyhoozle, I'm also posting it because HuffPo tends to treat some of it's bloggers with soft, kid gloves, and often times wont post any comments that smack of opposition to their crazy fucking notions. I tried to take apart Star Jones when she posted a thinly veiled ad for her ridiculous blog and didn't get a comment through until I posted something that said how awesome she was and how ready I was to learn something from her. So now I'm on record for liking her attention whoreishness.

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