
Right Wing Epic Fail. AGAIN.

Well once again the boys and girls on the Right have effed up entirely. In yet another attempt to scare the bejebus out of America over the issue of same-sex marriage (which apparently now constitutes a "gathering storm" or some such stock footage + scary music), they have formed a new group called the National Organization for Marriage. That's right. The boys and girls against gay marriage have formed a group for marriage. You figure it out. I can't.

Oh but it gets better. They have also decided to call their marriage campaign "2M4M." Once again missing the meaning of terms that people living in reality are familiar with (re: Teabagging), they apparently have no idea that this abbreviation is used on craigslist.org to signify a search for gay threesomes. "2M4M" means "two males for male." HAHAHAHAH! Get a brain, morans!

I'd like to link to their laughable video, but I don't want to give them any further traffic. I beleive they are the proverbial "cranky fucktard with letterhead" that used to keep the networks scared to death over their programming, never knowing it was just one guy with a printer. Some are taking them seriously, but knowing now how it's done, I'm not impressed. Anyone can do this sort of video in an afternoon, maybe two if you want to polish the acting.

What a bunch of losers.

1 comment:

Matt Osborne said...

I did a little research and learned that the organization's president was the "other columnist" in the Armstrong Williams scandal, the chairman of the board is a wingnut theologian who testified in favor of sodomy laws, and the executive director is linked to Opus Dei. All three are old hands at the more-Catholic-than-the-pope movement... You know, the folks who think condoms cause AIDS.

You can't make this shit up.