
My Awesome 39.999th Birthday

The 11th was my birthday. It started out well, with only one snag.
I'd wanted two things for my birthday. I wanted to meet my new friend Brian, and I wanted Waffles. I'd been harboring a hankerin' for waffles for some time. We'd decided to eat at the Village Inn in Cherry Creek. Alas, there is no more Village Inn at Cherry Creek North. Village Inn Fail.

Snag! We went to the "vi" on Colorado Blvd and had waffles and conversation. Both were excellent. Brian is wonderful. Oops, he might be reading. Brian is AWESOME. We walked Cherry Creek Mall afterwords and talked some more. It was great.

Later that night was dinner with the boys and girls from school. We went to Pasquini's for really good Italian. Attending my 39.99999th birthday were Max the Magnificent, Eric the Sturdy, Diana the Ultimately Awesome, Janora the Always Enjoyable and Wynn the Downright Pretty. Wynn was under the weather. Food doesn't seem to agree with Wynn's colon. It's a constant battle for supremecy, with the colon often winning the day. I was happy he was there, though. I was happy they all were there. Here's some pics! Pics!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

(sorry about the prior deletion. thought I wasn't on the most current post, or something like that.)

Off topic: Dang, Nano, why aren't *you* on Facebook with the Cescans too? Your "My Little Pony" comment at GDAB was priceless.

By the way, I believe that Skittles are also good geek bait/bribery.