

Ok, so I'm watching Star Trek II last night and as the Enterprise is kicking shit out of the Reliant, stuff is blowing up on the Reliant's bridge and suddenly I notice some guy dangling from the overhead. I almost said ceiling, but ships don't have ceilings, they have overheads. They also don't have floors, they have decks, no walls only bulkheads. Anyways, WTF? Where did that guy come from? What was he doing up there? Was he up there trying to rub one out real fast and then BOOM comes the phaser fire? Was he changing a light bulb? They have those in the 23rd century? What a way to go. You step up and decide to change a bulb, think maybe you have time for indulging the in the art of self pleasure then WHAM! The Enterprise kicks your ship in it's collective space nuts and there you are, hanging upside down with your Eugenics designed gonads flopping around for the whole world to see. And I bet he didn't even get to finish...


Matt Osborne said...

Are you familiar with Marvel Comics' "no-prize" concept?

Here's my no-prize entry: that crewman was repairing control runs damaged in the fight. To do so, he had to climb a Jeffrey's Tube accessed under a control panel. When the shite hit the fan, the ship's inertial compensator flickered and he was blown through the bridge "ceiling." His feet were caught in the control runs, so he hung suspended in a microgravity bubble.

There...is that fanboy enough for ya?

ericMH said...

you know...i never realized that was a person. i just assumed it was another large chunk of the overhead hanging down, like that piece that killed the blond kid a scene earlier. now it will forever bother me. thanks.